The Lippitt Chronicles: Brown Harry
In 1886, on June 15th, a seal brown colt was born in East Haven Vermont. According to Volume I of the Morgan Horse Register, he was bred by William M. Smith, of that town. Mr. Smith owned a black un-named colt that he bred to Billy Folsom, a grandson of Billy Root. This black mare also carried two crosses to Billy Root and quickly went back to Sherman Morgan in four generations.
Brown Harry, we can only guess at the name, brown for his color perhaps, no clue on Harry.
Nevertheless, Brown Harry matured to 15 hands and weighed 1,000 pounds, according to the register.
However, in A. Fullerton Phillip's book, The Morgan Horse as I Found Him, there seems to be a difference of opinion as to who bred Harry. Phillips states that Harry, sired by the Folsom horse, was bred by Mrs. Adeline Bundy of East Haven, Vermont. There are fifteen pages of his book on which Brown Harry's name appears.
I, myself, would tend to favor Phillip's version of the pedigree as it seems he actually talked to Mrs. Bundy. Phillips considered her a very sharp, knowledgeable horsewoman who had vast knowledge of the Morgan horse "lore" and information of that region. Mrs. Bundy's family was involved with Morgans and therefore she came by her knowledge of the history and bloodlines of that area from experience more than hearsay or guesswork.
Interestingly enough, Mrs. Bundy's first husband was none other than Mr. Elmer Walter of East Haven!
Phillips states that Brown Harry was very prepotent and left some valuable horses that were behind many of his hand-picked broodmares. He had two daughters of Maggie W., a Brown Harry daughter. These two were Emily and Hippolyta.
